Milky Way  

Milky Way is born from an unwanted inbred mating between Guylian and her son Jeopardy. Thankfully without negative consequences, we soon fell in love with Milky Way, a real clone of her mother in lilac version, and with exactly the same irresistible temper. We will probably use Milky Way for only one litter with a completely unrelated male.

Pédigrée     Album photo

Milky Way is "an adorable little pest" always on the move and only thinking about playing, cooing instead of miaowing and extremely cuddly.

photos @Marc Goetstouwers

Urrikana Milky Way (30. 11. 11)

Oriental Longhair lilac silver spotted tabby (shaded), PRA negative

Urrikana Jeopardy  (Oriental Longhair chocolate silver shaded)


Pippastro Guylian (Oriental Longhair chocolate silver shaded)
